Thursday, 25 June 2015

Child Poverty Flat

Or put another way - they are no better off. The numbers don't add up to a better life. Even the DWP admit that there are 2,300,000 children living in child poverty. 21st Century Britain and around 1 in 6 children depend on charity and benefits to live.

It is, of course,, all the fault of the 'workless shirkers, with broken families, debt problems and drug and alcohol abuse'. Do they not realize that there is a difference between a chicken and an egg. There is a difference between a cause (low wage economy) and a symptom (no money for food or a second pair of school shoes).

Let's attack the cause. Address the problem at its root and cut the benefit bill as well. Impose an extra tax on employers whose employees are in receipt of working tax credit. The tax to be twice the amount of tax credit paid to employees of the firms. Why should we subsidize poor employers? Poor meaning more than just short of money.By taxing them twice the amount we could recoup the cost of the benefit and then some. I think we would soon see pay rates rising to take people out of the tax-credit bracket. It would be cheaper for the employer - and that is what they understand.

In the short term, let's stop demonizing those who are 'other' than us. Instead of ignoring them why not listen to their voices. If they can survive on the small amount they receive you cant deny their ability or drive - put it to good use.